Using video as material, Iām focusing on everyday minutiae as a subject matter, layering and editing footage to create a visual collage of information. Both ambiguous and familiar, this video becomes the backdrop for an immersive installation that uses mirror mylar, light, and multiple channels of sound. The sound tests viewers, mixing audible cues from the projected video with an exterior cityscape, all with the underlying white noise created by nature. Warm bands of light envelope the viewer and add to the projected video as well, further compounding visual information for the viewer to decipher within their current state of reality.
Thoughts on social media usage, interaction with technology, multiple screens and realities, as well as a desire to see beauty in the everyday sludge of information culminate in Lull.
Installation documentation
Site-Specific Installation
2 Channel Video Projection, 3 Channel Audio, Mirror Mylar
Americans are constantly in a state of intake; either from the phone in their hands, the screen in front of them, the music surrounding them, or all of these at the same time. This constant stream of media has become a sort of escape and the desire for escape a sort of instinct.
In my life, when I find myself needing an escape or wanting to turn off my brain, I instinctually turn to my Instagram feed. My attempt at peace is via a platform that delivers more than I could possible comprehend and yet, I can vicariously live a different life through each of the people I follow in a moment where I feel uncomfortable about my current reality.
This digital space, for me, is similar to a womb. I imagine that the light is warm, and slowly changes depending on the situation. I imagine sounds overlap, not being able to figure out where you are or what you are listening to. Things begin to layer on top of each other and the more sound, screens, and visuals you add to the mix gradually help everything become a haze of static noise.
The white noise I need to fall asleep and the scroll of Instagram that my husband needs to fall asleep are almost the same thing.
With Lull, I offer to the viewer a created space to experience this overwhelming peace. With multiple channels of layered video, audio, along with physical objects, the viewer becomes immersed in a space that simultaneously engulfs and calms within the same moment.
Images by Third Dune Productions