It’s What’s Beneath
It’s What’s Beneath functions as an incubator for community and for conversation, bringing together artists, community members, and people included in a minority group that one day every single human will be a part of: the disability community.
Mutual aid was a cornerstone for everything the Band participated in, and presenting the public with an immersive installation full of disjointed images, layers of content, and various levels of sound, I expect, that to understand and experience the work fully, you as the viewer will need the help of fellow viewers, allowing you the chance to experience mutual aid. Mutual aid is the practice of understanding your strengths and weaknesses and leaning into the support of someone around you that has different strengths and weaknesses to move forward together.
My goal with this installation is to present both direct and recreated instances of memories created on the trip, as well as bring in elements of interaction with nature, discovery, and self-awareness all in an abstracted, potentially confusing way, forcing the viewer to enter and try to understand through the process of mutual aid.
Some instances are symbolic, while others are very direct, and by taking time and mental space the viewers of this installation can begin to understand my growth, both as an artist and as a human being, from this residency experience. Viewers can pull their own meanings and connections from the media given to you by me, and through this exchange, potentially grow as a human as well.
64' x 7' x 9'
Presented as an Ode to The Wayfaring Band
Colored Geometric Mural created by Thomas 'Detour' Evans